The first button within the dispatcher screen is the “Main Menu” button, which will return you to the main menu. Next one is the “Timekeeping” button, followed by the “Toggle View” and “Till Functions”. This button will open a whole new menu with all available till options. This includes awarding and collecting float, adding paid in/out, decreasing or increasing the till, awarding credit to a customer, leaving a note to a customer’s profile and on top there is a back to Dispatcher menu button. NOTE: All buttons under the till functions menu, could be set with different security access level, so that not all employees have access to them!
1. Award Float:
The first button under the till functions is “Award Float”. In order to be able to use it, there must be a clocked in driver, otherwise you will see a message, that you first should select a driver. Another requirement is to have money (cash) added to the system store float. This can be done from Supervisor menu -> Store Float. Usually, the store float is added in the morning, right before the store open, by counting the money in the till and typing the exact number of each bill. Once, there is a clocked in driver and added float, you can use the award float button. From the new window, you will see the selected driver name, below it, you need to enter the amount in £ that you would like to award and then press “Award” button. Also, from here you can download our driver tracking app – Deliver Plus. Please reach out to our Helpdesk Team, if you are interested.
2. Collect Float:
The second button under the till functions is “Collect Float”. In order to be able to use it, again you need to have a clocked in driver and it should have finished at least one delivery order, from which the float has stayed with the driver, instead of being directly cashed off to the cashier. Once, you select a driver and press the collect float button, you will see a new window with several option. On top you will see the driver’s name, below it, is the available float value in £ and below that is the field, where you should type the amount, you would like to collect from the driver. Also, there is a drop-down menu, to choose the correct pay type, depending on the delivered order’s pay type. Beneath that are additional details like how many drops
(deliveries) has the driver finished, what is the driver commission (should be pre-set) and what is the average time to deliver an order. If the total amount of the driver’s float is inputted in the “Value to Collect”, then the “Clock out” option will become available, so can collect the float and clock out the driver at the same time. You can also, tick to open the Pay Outs, right after you close the collect float window, so you can enter them straight away. Last, but not least, you can check several different driver reports – like the “Driver Cash Report”, the “Commission Report”, or the “Coupon Report”. Once all details are double checked, press “Collect” button to finish the procedure. NOTE: You could request, that a manager password is required every time, you try to collect driver’s float!
3. Paid In/Out:
The third button is the “Paid In/Out” one. It is used to enter and track all paid ins or paid outs during the trading day. When pressed, it will open a new window with 20 fully customizable category buttons. By default, they are numbered one to twenty, but you can change them, as per your needs. From this new window, you need to select the correct category, then enter the amount in £. You can choose if you would like to reclaim VAT on this pay in/out. You should also, enter a reason for the pay in/out under the “Reason” field (NOTE: You won’t be able to complete the pay in/out without a reason!). The final step is to select if the entered info will be for a “Pay In” or for a “Pay Out”:
4. Decrease Till:
The fourth button under the till functions is “Decrease Till”. It is used to collect/decrease the money in the till during the End of Night process. In order to be able to use it, you should first have money (float) added to the system– it can be done either by collecting driver’s float, or manually from Supervisor menu -> Store Float, usually, the store float is added in the morning, right before the store open, by counting the money in the till and typing the exact number of each bill. Then the second requirement, is that you have first increased the till (so the store’s float is actually transferred to the system till). Once you press “Decrease Till” you will see a new window with the store added money into the till on top (which are added by the “Increase Till” button), and the available store float below that. On the bottom, you can enter the amount you would like to decrease from the till. When you input the amount, press “Decrease” button and with this the procedure is finished.
5. Increase Till:
The fifth button is the “Increase Till” one. It is used to allocate/increase money in the till. In order to be able to use it, you should first have money (float) added to the system– it can be done either by collecting driver’s float, or manually from Supervisor menu -> Store Float, usually, the store float is
added in the morning, right before the store open, by counting the money in the till and typing the exact number of each bill. Once, you press the button, it will open a new window, which will first show you if you have already increased the till before today and if so, with how much. Then, you will see the available float in-store, and on the bottom, you can enter the amount you would like to increase the till with. Then the system, will transfer that amount from the store’s float to the till. NOTE: You can’t increase the till with more money, than the store’s float! Once you enter the amount, pressing “Increase (F1)” will finish the procedure of increasing the till.
6. Award Credit:
The penultimate button is “Award Credit”. It is used to award certain credit amount to a customer. Once pressed, it will open a new window with the credit details. You need to first, enter the ticket number (NOTE: With this button, you can award credit only to customers, that have ordered today!), then enter the credit amount in £, and the credit reason. When you have entered all details, press “Award” and you will be asked for a manager/owner password and then the credit will be saved into the customer’s account, so that the next time you start placing an order for this customer, you will see that he/she has an awarded credit. NOTE: The credit is saved under the customer’s phone number, so you can use the credit only for collection or delivery in-store orders! Once you type in the customer phone number, you will see the credit amount between his name and address:
7. Leave Note:
The last button is the “Leave Note” one. This button is mainly used to save the customer’s preferences on a certain item/meal of his order. By adding it here, the note will be saved for his future orders and will make sure, that his food preferences are saved and remembered. NOTE: Same as the award credit, this button can be used to leave a note for a customer, who has ordered today! Once the button is pressed, it will open a new window where you will need to first enter the ticket number for which you will add the note, then type the actual note. When all details are added, press “Leave Note”, you will be asked for a manager/owner password and then the note will be saved to the customer’s account. NOTE: Same as the award credit, the note is saved under the customer’s phone number, so you will see the note only for collection or delivery in-store orders!