The first button within the dispatcher screen is the “Main Menu” button, which will return you to the main menu. Next one is the “Timekeeping” button, followed by the “Till Functions” and the “Skip Status” button. The main use of this button is when you would like to fast skip a stage of the selected order. NOTE: This is not a recommended action, as the time for each order stage is carefully calculated and saved in the system, so it then reflects in the performance reports! 

Once the “Skip Status” button is pressed, it will open a new window, which will give you the choice to skip the current status of the order, to see more options, or to cancel the skip action, if pressed by mistake. The first option could be different, depending on the current stage of the order. On top of the screen, you can also, see for which order number you will skip the state. 

If you press “More Options” you will see another window with several additional settings, as per the screenshot below. On the left side, you have the option to skip each one of the order stages (Make, Oven and Print). Below it, is the “Calibrate Label Printer” button, which will print a calibration label. In the middle is the option for Estimate Delivery Time (EDT) – you can either set a value in minutes between 1 and 240, or you can set it to 0, then the system will automatically calculate and change your EDT depending on your order flow and how busy the store is. The system will do regular checks and automatically adjust the EDT. NOTE: These changes of the estimate delivery time will, also take effect on your Andromeda Website! Below the EDT option is the “Clear Order Lock” – this button is used, when you have troubles to dispatch a delivery order. Usually when an order is edited in the POS and try to dispatch it from a different computer, not the one you have used to edit it, you will see a message that the order is locked and won’t be able to dispatch it. Then you need to select that order and navigate to this screen – the “Clear Order Lock” button will be active and once pressed, it will “unlock” the order, so you will be able to dispatch it as normal.

            On the right side of the window are the order sort and filtering options. First option – “Show all orders” is always enabled by default, so the user which is logged in into Andromeda POS, can see all orders taken by all users. If you untick it, the user will see only the orders, taken by him/her. Second option is to sort the in-store orders. You can choose to either sort them by order number (the default choice) or by due time. The last option is to filter the orders and include/exclude occasion from the order list. You can choose to see only delivery orders, only collection orders, or only dine in orders, or you can mix the occasions as per your need. NOTE: Please note, that all 3 sort/filter options will apply and won’t revert until the next system restart, or until you manually revert them back!