Once the orders are placed, they go through several stages. They can vary depending on stores’ need, but most often – once the order is placed, all items show on the makeline, then once items are made, a label get printed and order status change to oven, so that the order is being cooked. After oven stage the order is ready. It can be cashed off, or dispatched to a driver if it is a delivery order. Once dispatched a ticket is printed, so that the driver can take the ticket and go out to deliver the order. Once returned, the order is completed, which is the final stage. The printing of label and ticket is customizable and can be set to print immediately when the order is placed, after any stage, or only to reprint (in this case, a ticket will be printed only if a “Reprint” button is pressed). Please contact Helpdesk Team to configure these settings for you.

1. Dispatching Delivery Orders:

For a delivery order to be completed, first need to be dispatched to a driver, then delivered and after that cashed off. These 3 steps will fully complete a delivery order. To dispatch an order, it must be on “Ready” stage:

From above screenshot, can see “Orders in Store” on the left side and “Drivers Working Today” on the right side.

  • First a driver should be clocked in and be in-store (available). This can be done from Timekeeping button. Once a driver is clocked in, it will automatically show him in-store and will start counting the minutes, he has been in the store. When an order is dispatched to that driver, his status will automatically change to out for delivery and will start counting the minutes, he has been out. Once the “Out” minutes, become equal or greater than the Due minutes, they will change color to red. This will indicate that the driver should have already delivered the order and that he is getting late.

  • Once there is a driver clocked in and there are orders on “Ready” status, a window will pop up to show all orders that can be dispatched. This is customizable and can be disabled, depending on store’s need. Please contact Helpdesk Team to amend this setting for you:

  • Choose a delivery order and choose a driver (if more than one) and press “Dispatch” button:

  • This will then ask for the drivers’ or dispatchers’ password – this is an optional step, which can be enabled or disabled depending on store’s preferences. Please contact Helpdesk Team to configure this option for you:

  • Once entered a new window will open:

Here, it will first show the “Selected Driver”, that should be confirmed, is the correct one, then the order, that is being dispatched. Below that is the “Don’t Forget” tab, where will show all cold items (this is customizable and can be enabled or disabled, depending on store’s preferences. Please contact Helpdesk Team to set this feature for you. Then in the middle section will show all delivery orders that are “Ready” and can be added to this driver as well. They can be added, either by clicking on each order, or by typing the ticket number in the “Add Via Ticket Number” field. On the right you will see Andromeda Co-Pilot, which is a new feature, that will suggest which delivery orders are close to the one you are dispatching and will offer to dispatch it together. Once all information is double checked and confirmed, press the “Dispatch” button and the order/s will be successfully dispatched.

  • The driver will now show as Out and the “Dispatch” button will be changed to “Return”. Also, the button “Change Orders (SPC)” will be active – it will show up the same windows as the one when dispatching an order and will give you an option to add/dispatch more orders to the selected driver.

  • With this, the process of Dispatching a delivery order is finished and can proceed with the cash off process, which will begin once the “Return” button is pressed.

All orders that are dispatched, can be seen on the dispatcher screen, under “Orders on the Road”. Can navigate to this tab, by pressing “Toggle View” button:

        2. Cashing Off Delivery Orders:

Cash off process is almost the same for all occasions. This is the final stage of the order, before it gets completed. So, once the order is dispatched, delivered and the driver gets back in-store, need to press “Return” button. After the order is cashed off, the driver can have another order assigned. Pressing the ‘Return” button will open a new Delivery Cash off window:

On the above window, can see who is the driver and in the order list, can see all orders that the driver has delivered (if more than one). Then on the right side are the pay type details. To cash off the order, need to first select the order from order list (if more than one), then select the pay type. Can also, add a discount to the order, before getting cashed off. Then below, are the available pay types separated into two options – either one pay type for the full amount, or may have split payment (two pay types) for the order. The pay type that was selected while taking the order will show as the first default pay type (colored in blue). If the order is online, then the pay type chosen by the customer, will show as the first default pay type. Need to double check that the correct pay type is selected, as once cashed off, the pay type can’t be changed, instead the order will need to be canceled and a new duplicated one should be entered with the correct pay type. Once the correct pay type is selected, need to choose if the payment will stay with the driver, or will be collected by the cashier. There is also a third option – “All to Driver (No Discounts):

  • Use “To Cashier” when the order payment is paid into the till.
  • Use “To Driver” when the driver retains the money to his float.
  • Use “All to Driver” when cashing off multiple orders to the driver’s float. This option is faster way of cashing off orders, without changing the default pay type or adding any discounts.
  1. To Cashier – this option will cash off the order and all money should be taken by the cashier and paid into the till. When this option is chosen, the order will be cashed off and the driver will be available for next dispatch. Should note, that all orders that are cashed off to cashier, won’t show in the Driver Report.
  2. To Driver – this option will cash off the order and all money should stay with the driver. The driver’s float can be collected after certain number of orders are delivered, or by the end of the night. The float can be seen next to the driver’s name on the dispatcher screen:

All orders that are cashed off to the driver, will show in the Driver Report.

  1. All to Driver – this option will automatically cash off the order with the default pay type that was added while taking the order. It doesn’t need any other steps and is a faster option for cashing off multiple orders with just 1 click. Orders cashed off with this option, will again show in the driver’s report and the payment will be added to the driver’s float. 

With above steps the process of cashing off a delivery order is finished and the order will change its status to Completed.

        3. Collecting Float from Driver:

All orders that are cashed off to the driver are added to his float and will need to be collected. The process of collecting float, can be done at the end of the night, when the driver is finishing shift, or at any stage of the working process. It can be done more than once, whenever the store decides. To collect the float from a driver follow the below steps:

  • Choose the correct driver, that want to collect the float from.
  • Press “Till Functions” button and then press “Collect Float”:

  • From the new window that will pop up, enter the amount you want to collect under the “Value to Collect”:

  • Once the amount is added, double check that the correct driver is selected (name shown on top). Choose the correct pay type that you want to collect the amount with. The float can be split into different pay types, depending on how the orders were cashed off. For example, can collect £20.00 as Cash and the rest £32.90 as Card pay type. If the total amount of the driver’s float is inputted in the “Value to Collect”, then the “Clock out” option will become available, so can collect the float and clock out the driver at the same time. Once all details are double checked, press “Collect” button to finish the procedure. 


        4. Driver Report:

Driver report will show the cash records for each driver. It can be opened by pressing “Driver Report” button right next to the “Dispatch” button, but a driver should be clocked in and selected, in order to see the report for the correct driver:

All orders that are cashed off to the driver’s float and not to cashier, will show up in the driver report. It will also show order details like pay type, how many orders are delivered by this driver, the dispatch time, the time to deliver the order (driver time), distance for each order and the address of the order:

This report can be checked for each driver individually and if the float is not collected, it will show the total amount of the driver’s float and also the total amount of the driven distance. In the report can see if collect float was done and the person who did it, this way can monitor and check for mistakes – like wrong pay type when collecting the float form a driver, who collect the float from the driver and how many times the procedure of collecting a float was done during the night.