When processing an order in Andromeda POS there are five options; Delivery, Collection, Shop, Restaurant and Counter. Restaurant and Counter modes are optional extras and are not default order occasions. They can be enabled/disabled depending on stores’ needs.

Restaurant occasion is used when there are tables inside or outside the store. This occasion does not capture and saves customer’s data.



1. Table Planner:

    Before start taking restaurant order, need to add tables. There are two options for tables – inside and outside. Tables can be customized from Manager tab -> Settings -> Table Planner. This will open the below window, where can add and order the tables as per each store desire.



    From below windows, can add 4 different shapes of tables. They can be positioned in any way, so they can be set to re-create the same position as in-store for easier orientation. Each table can have individual name, that can be edited anytime. Once inside tables are added, can switch to outside and add tables there as well.

2. Taking Restaurant Order:

    After the tables are added and the Restaurant occasion is pressed, it will open the tables set up that we have just saved. All tables that are showing in green color are free and the ones showing in red are occupied. Pressing on the table will show a new window with all options for the table:

    Once the table is open and there is an order placed for this table, all options will become available.

Open – will start the order and the order taking screen will show.

Payments – will open a new window with options to add or see the already added payment for this table.

Close Table – will close the table and mark it as free (not occupied). Table can be closed, only if there is added payment.

Transfer – will transfer the whole order to different table.

Print order (F6) – will print a ticket with order details.

Loyalty – will give/take loyalty points from the customer. Only for the current order, can’t be transferred for future orders.

Cancel Order – will cancel the order.

Pressing the “Open” window will begin the order taking process:

        a. Food Allergies:

    This is an optional window, that could be enabled or disabled, depending on store’s preferences.









       b. Order taking:

    On this screen will see all items, grouped in different categories. Once all items are added, can use the middle screen buttons to amend the order:

  1. Food Allergies – shows details for any allergies added to the selected item
  2. Next ½ - gives an option to have Half & Half (mostly used on Pizzas)
  3. Remove – Deletes an item from the order
  4. Split – Splits the item to Half and gives option to have different toppings on both halves
  5. Resize – Resize the item (example – from Large to Medium)
  6. Topping – Opens all available toppings for the selected item
  7. Meals – Opens all available meals
  8. Discount – Gives an option to add Discount to the whole order (fixed £ or %)
  9. Instruct – Gives an option to add instructions to the selected item
  10. QC (Quick Code) – Gives an option to add items with faster with codes. QC can be enabled to automatically open upon entering order taking

      11. Info – Enable Info mode and shows information for each selected item

    Once Checkout button is pressed, will be asked to enter the number of covers, which is individual for each table, depending on the number of customers sitting on the table. This is the final step of taking a restaurant order. Once filled in, the order will be placed.















3. Closing Restaurant Table:

    Once the table is ready to be closed, need to navigate again to Restaurant occasion, chose the correct table and from the window with all options choose “Payment” button to a add payment. If we try to close the table without payment, a message will ask us to double check and make sure, that there is added payment.

    There are several options to add payment to the table:

Full Payment – will add the full amount and can then choose the pay type.

£5/£10/£20 – this will add the chosen bill to the payment and will deduct it from the total amount. Example – total is £12.49, if we press the £10, it will add a £10 bill and will show that the remaining amount is £2.49. If we then press the £5 it will add a £5 bill and will show that there is a change of £2.51. 

Can use the 0-9 numbers, to enter the exact amount that the customer has paid and then choose the pay type.

    All added payments, can be removed with manager password authorization and can then add a different new payment. Once the payment is added, it will show in the Payments:

    To remove a payment – choose the payment from the list (if more than 1) and then press “Remove Payment” button. This will ask for manager password and once entered, will remove the payment. Then a new one can be added.






     Once the correct payment is added to the order, can choose “Close Table”, which will complete the order (it won’t show on dispatcher screen any more) and will make the table free (not occupied), so a new order can be placed on this table.