Quick Guide to adding employees

This video explains how you can quickly add employees, but if you plan to use the scheduling and pay role functions which are included in the system then please review the Full Employee Setup details below 

Full Employee Setup details

Navigate to the Employee section...  

Select Manager Icon
Select Employee Icon 

  The Employee Records window will be displayed which consists of three tabs:  

  •    All Records (F1) – shows a list of all current employees and their details  
  •    Employee File (F2) – shows the specific details of an employee  
  •    Past Employees (F3) – shows a list of past employees  

 The All Records screen shows the employee code, name, address and phone number and helps you control your employee documentation.  

Tip: Press the Esc key to return to the Manager Menu or Click the tabs to select each tab or use the F Keys

   Adding a new employee   

   Personal Details   

  • Select the Employee File (F2) tab. This will open the pre-selected Employee File.  
  • To add a new employee, click the Add Employee button. 
  • This will open a blank Employee File: 
  • Enter the Employee’s name in the ‘Name’ field and complete the remaining fields as much as you need / can. 


   Field      Used   
 Name  Full Name is displayed in a number of reports 
 Address  For your record - EMP-99 – Staff File Report (Do Not Display) 
 Email  For your record - EMP-99 – Staff File Report (Do Not Display) 
 Phone  For your record - EMP-99 – Staff File Report (Do Not Display) 
 Mobile  For your record - EMP-99 – Staff File Report (Do Not Display) 
 Language  Provides user with translated system if you have language pack 
 Date of Birth  Select Purple Box to display the date picker (Reference Only) 
 Upload PDF  You can upload a single PDF document such as a scanned driving licence 

Note: All fields must be completed before you can generate a new employee file and you can use the AutoFill option to completed any uncompleted fields.   

  Payroll Details  

  • Complete the Payroll section 
  Field    Used  
 Pay 1  Select the main role the new employee will conduct and add the correct pay rate.* Payrole costs can be viewed within the payrole report in the POS as well as in the 'Detailed Labour' reporting in Andromeda Portal
 Pay 2, 3 & 4  If they will conduct different roles on other days then add the role and the rate 
 NI Number  For your record and displayed in the 'Detailed Labour' reporting in Andromeda Portal
 Payroll Number  Reference number on Payroll report to link to payroll provider and also included in the 'Detailed Labour' reporting in Andromeda Portal 
Staff RecordUsed to record any general notes 
Staff UniformCan be used to track uniform provided

*Note: This isn't a payrole system and so does not take into account Tax and National Insurance which could be added manually as an on-cost if required

 Employees Details 

  • Now select the new employees 'Job Description' from the drop-down (this will define their user access to the system and sets the Security Level and Job Code).

   Note: An employee with an ’untrained’ status can not access the system.   


  • You can also add their Contractual Hours for your records. 


After the employee’s details have been entered, click ’Save Changes’ at the bottom of the screen. When the file is generated it will deliver a prompt to confirm: 

Click Yes to save the employee file to the database - Click No to return to the Employee files - the information will be lost 

Note: All new employees passwords are set to PASS and must be changed by the employee immediately in the ’Password’ section on the Main Menu.